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My squidoo progress

Updated on October 30, 2014

Come with me on my journey to make money online.

I'll keep track of my progress on Squidoo here. I have set some easy goals such as making my first Amazon sale and some much harder ones like having the #1 lens on Squidoo. I wonder if I can actually do it? It would be amazing to even get on Squidoo's front page. Follow along with me and why not start your own progress journal to keep track or your journey on Squidoo.

squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo
squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo

Why am I doing this?

I'm a 31 year old Canadian English Teacher in South Korea looking to retire early and scuba dive my life away. I'm convinced that if I'm going to retire early, and pursue my dream, I need to start establishing sources of passive income. That is money coming in, that I don't necessarily have to work for. Of course, it takes a bit of effort to set it up and maintain it, but it's not a direct correlation between an hour worked and an hour of pay. I started investing in Dividend paying stocks a couple years ago, and that is going well. I earn over $200/month and keep investing more money. I hope to reach $500/month in the next few years and hopefully $1000 in the next 10.

My second project is Squidoo. I'm a newbie, having just started in December 2010, but I'd like to make this a second viable source of passive income. Here are my goals and if I achieve them.

Wish me luck!

squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo
squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo

Number of lenses

(x) 10 lenses

(x) 30 lenses

(x) 50 lenses

(x) 75 lenses

(x) 100 lenses

(x)125 lenses

(x) 150 lenses

( ) 175 lenses

( ) 200 lenses

Why do you Squidoo?

See results
squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo
squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo

Become a giant squid

(x)Giant Squid (Jan 7, 2011).

(x) Giant Squid 100 (Aug 1, 2011)

(x) Giant Squid 150 (November 3, 2011)

( ) Giant Squid 200

How many lenses do you have?

See results

How much can I earn on Squidoo?

What are your earnings in an average month?

See results
squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo
squidoo, passive income, dividend investing, squidoo income, squidoo earnings, squidoo goals, squidoo achievements, giant squid, top 100 squidoo

Lens Ranking

(x) 1 lens-top 2000

(x) 3 lenses-top 2000

(x) 5 lenses-top 2000

( ) 10 lenses-top 2000

( ) 20 lenses-top 2000

(x) 1 lens-top 10 000

(x) 3 lenses-top 10 000

(x) 5 lenses-top 10 000

(x) 10 lenses- top 10 000

( ) 20 lenses-top 10 000

(x) 10 lenses earning money (top 85 000)

(x) 20 lenses earning money

(x) 40 lenses earning money

(x) 60 lenses earning money

( ) 100 lenses earning money

( ) get on the front page of squidoo

(x) made the top 100 list for this lens:

Speaking Activities for ESL Students

( ) have a lens in the top 10

( ) make #1

(x) lens of the day!

How to throw an Anti-Valentine's Day Party

(x) earned a purple star for this lens:

The Best Expat Restaurants in Korea

Where do you make most of your money on Squidoo?

See results


(x)) made my first sale on Amazon on this lens:

How to get Foreign Food in Korea

(x) earn something!

(x) earn $20/month

(x) earn $40/month

(x) earn $100/month

(x) earn $200/month

( ) earn $500/month

Other progress on Squidoo

(x) leave 100 comments

(x) leave 200 comments

(x) leave 400 comments

(x) leave 600 comments

(x) leave 800 comments

(x) leave 1000 comments

(x) leave 1200 comments

(x) leave 1400 comments

( ) leave 2000 comments

(x) complete 1 quest

(x) complete 2 quests

(x) complete 5 quests

(x) complete 10 quests

(x) complete 15 quests

(x) complete 20 quests

( ) complete 50 questions

(x) level 20

(x) level 40

(x) level 60

(x) level 80

(x) 5 trophies

(x) 10 trophies

(x) 15 trophies

(x) 20 trophies

(x) 25 trophies

( ) 30 trophies

(x) 500 squidlikes

(x) 1000 squidlikes

(x) 1500 squidlikes

( ) 2000 squidlikes

Squidoo Earnings History

January 2011: $21.37

February 2011: $18.19

March 2011: $30.90

April 2011: $65.61

May 2011: $48.99

June 2011: $53.21

July 2011: $51.51

August 2011: $44.09

Sept. 2011: $62.90

Oct. 2011: $72.17

Nov. 2011: $50.67

Dec. 2011: $65.65

Jan. 2012: $93.63

Making Squidoo Niches

A niche is simply a collection of lenses that are closely related to one another, but not exactly the same. By linking them all together, you can get much higher Google rankings than just having lenses that are unrelated to anything else you've done. My goal is to have 20 niches, with at least 10 lenses in each one.

Niche #1: ESL Teaching

NIche #2: South Korea

Niche #3: Dividend Stock Investing

Niche #4: Scuba Diving

Niche #5: Easter

Niche #6: Healthy, frugal living

Niche #7: Gift Baskets

Niche #8: Ipad covers and keyboards


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